Unity in Community

Unity in Community was a programme which concluded in 2020, that built on previous intercultural work, undertaken by Youth Link: NI.

Please click on the below link to our publication entitled ‘Research and Reflections on Learning’.

Research-and-Reflections-on-Learning Download

Research and Reflections on Learning was a small-scale research project, the aim of which was to examine the experiences of children and young people from Asylum Seeker and Refugee Communities, living in Northern Ireland.

Youth Link: NI have recently completed the Unity in Community Project, funded by the Education Authority. This project worked with and supported young people and volunteers from the following groups: Diverse Youths NI, Northern Ireland Somali Association (NISA), the Sudanese Youth Group, the Nigerian Community of Northern Ireland (NICONI), and Youth Connect – under the umbrella of the African and Caribbean Support Organisation Northern Ireland (ACSONI).

This programme is funded by the Education Authority